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Schema Therapy

Growing from a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy starting point, Schema Therapy emerged as a longer-term therapy and an approach particularly suitable for those who might not have had 'success' with other forms of therapy, however Schema Therapy can also be used as a framework to help anyone increase their understanding and awareness of the ways they may perceive and respond to themselves and the world around them.


As an approach, Schema Therapy goes ‘deeper’ than CBT by identifying and exploring, in more depth, engrained patterns or themes relating to significant experiences and negative beliefs, feelings and behaviours that have started in childhood and are often repeated (consciously or not) throughout adolescence and adulthood.


For example, you may notice recurring unwanted patterns or themes in your relationships, friendships or within how you feel about yourself or how you act in certain situations. 


This is a particularly helpful approach for those who may ‘get’ what they need to do to help change the unhelpful/negative cycle they find themselves in but can’t quite implement the changes they need to make or don’t quite ‘feel’ the impact of the changes.


By utilising various researched therapy techniques, the approach helps people address emotional difficulties and instigate changes to longstanding unhelpful patterns of thinking and behaviour to overcome the limits these ways of being are placing on life - with the ultimate aim of empowering people to live the life they want to live.



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